Wetherill Archive Highlight: The Sterling R. McElwaine Collection
TCHA has over 200 processed collections in the Richard B. Wetherill Archives. Each of these collections is carefully inventoried and studied by staff and volunteers at TCHA in order to create a finding aid that will assist researchers in finding the information they need. One of the earliest processed collection is treasure of history of the Lincoln School, local education and the African American community of Lafayette.

The Sterling R. McElwaine Collection was donated to TCHA in 1971 by Mr. McElwaine’s daughter, Naomi Kate McElwaine Small.
Sterling R. McElwaine was born in Indianapolis 25 March 1887. From Indiana University he received a B.A. in 1909 and M.S. in Education in 1935. He was married in 1921 to Ethel Naomi White (1887-1971), also a teacher; besides Naomi Kate (1923- 2015), they had one son, Sterling Jr. (1928- 2007).
Mr. McElwaine served as teacher and principal of Lincoln School, Lafayette, Indiana, from 1909 (with the exception of the years 1916-19) until 1951 when the Lafayette public schools were integrated. After his retirement from Lincoln School, he worked for the Lafayette School System as manager of the book rental system for the elementary schools; in 1961 he retired from this position.
Sterling McElwaine was active in community service organizations, human relations efforts and with the Second Baptist Church in Lafayette. In 1965 he received the Journal and Courier George Award for outstanding leadership ability and community service. He died 26 October 1971 at the age of 84; his wife died on 8 April of the same year.
The Sterling R. McElwaine Archival Collection includes material related to his education and professional career in the school system, handwritten speeches, photographs, and Sterling family materials. It also includes attendance record books for Lincoln School and artifacts that belonged to McElwaine. Some clubs and organizations represented in this collection are Cary Camp, Second Baptist Church of Lafayette, Floyd Lodge, Indiana State Federation of Colored Women’s Clubs, and the Mary L. Club.
To learn more about the resources available in the Sterling R. McElwaine Collection, check out our online database on our Archives page.