William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison

Harrison was an unsuccessful Whig candidate for President in 1836, and four years later his followers were still determined to land him in the White House. After he clinched the nomination a second time, the Whigs prepared a massive rally at the Tippecanoe Battlefield on May 29, 1840. Over 30,000 people followed the poor roads and trails or the winding rivers to sing the praises of “Old Tipp”! Roast beef and pork were everywhere, the stew and bread were free, and the hard cider flowed. Catchy campaign songs capitalized on that great political slogan, “Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too!”. Bands, floats. stump speeches, and majestic tales of the battle added special color to the event. The Tippecanoe rally and similar events were successful, and Harrison landed the coveted office. He died just a month after assuming the Presidency, but the hoopla at the battlefield and other places lives on as the modern, festive political campaign.